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Mimo Learn coding in JavaScript- Python and HTML [Pro]v3.27

Mimo Learn coding in JavaScript- Python and HTML [Pro]v3.27

Mimo Learn coding in JavaScript- Python and HTML [Pro]v3.27




With this application you'll learn programming and build websites and apps in only five minutes per day- you'll learn programming languages like Python- JavaScript- Java- HTML- CSS- Swift- Kotlin- C++- SQL- PHP and more! Our programming courses and lessons are suitable for everyone- even with no prior coding knowledge and experience-
 this application makes learning to code and diving into computing as fun and straightforward as possible- With the {Learn to Code} curriculum- you'll dive into building websites with HTML- CSS- and JavaScript- With the {Data Science with Python} curriculum- you’ll find out how to research data with Python and SQL- and even find out how Google and Netflix use big data to recommend websites or movies-



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