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Power-user Premium 1.6.1081.0

Power-user Premium 1.6.1081.0



Windows 10- Windows 8/ 8.1- Windows 7- Vista- XP

provides you with an in depth library of templates- icons- diagrams- maps for your spreadsheets and presentations-Using Power-user for PowerPoint and Excel

you'll get the eye of your audience with stunning graphics that are bound to impress

Our 115 edited maps are powerful tools for illustrating ideas with a geographical dimension. Maps are easy to know and remember, and can assist you better illustrate your point of view, thereby enhancing your ability to convince your audience.

the Icons

Power-user provides a set of two ,000 icons for instance slides. Icons are vector shapes, so you'll change their size without straining and repaint them as you would like . With Power-user, you'll look for icons by category and with different keywords related to an equivalent icon so you'll find the proper icon in only 2 seconds.

the Library

Don't reinvent the bike for every slide. Insert a slide pattern from the Power-user add-on and easily adapt it to fit your needs. Patterns include standard sorts of slides, strategies, diagrams, etc. and adapts to your company's colour scheme . you'll also keep your own slides within the template library to stay them available in the least times.

the Waterfall

charts Charts are very fashionable in finance and consulting. they're great for splitting data into multiple components, illustrating, for instance , what features a positive or negative effect on KPI.


Graphics Create Mecca charts within the Excel table with Power-user. Mekko is one among the foremost powerful sorts of graphics. It can represent 3 measurements of knowledge and is popular in consulting to point out the market positions of various companies, for instance .

the Photos

Sometimes an honest picture says quite thousand words. Power-user includes a set of 90 photos for instance concepts or spark a discussion without fear about property rights.

the Chart

generator Build customized diagrams within the blink of an eye fixed with a Power-user chart generator. Charts help illustrate complex ideas and permit you to make eloquent slides or dashboards during a very short time Charts include value chains- sensors- traffic lights- relationships- pyramids- arrows 

the Gantt

Chart Use the Gantt diagrams for instance the various stages of the project and their progress. It can take several hours to make this manually, but you'll create them with an add-on in only a couple of seconds. it is a useful gizmo to enhance slide design during a very short time



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